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In-Season Week 12, Day 6

There is absolutely no substitute for this type of work. If you’re going to get good at carrying heavy loads over long distances then you need to practice it. You need to get comfortable under

In-Season Week 12, Day 5

The pull-up is one of those exercises that may actually save your life one day. If you don’t have a pull-up then it’s time for some real talk. Get your shit together. Lose some weight,

In-Season Week 12, Day 4

Recovery day. Monday I spoke briefly about the important of recovery in tougher periods of training. Today is an active recovery day where you should engage in an activity that helps promote recovery. Stretching, walking,

In-Season Week 12, Day 3

Light and fast. Today hit a pace that is TOUGH for the prescribed duration. It’s short so you need to be pushing it for the entire stretch. No break, just head down and eyes forward.

In-Season Week 12, Day 2

I absolutely love mixed training. Hitting different training stimuli at different points of the workout gets me fired up. Normally you’d see a workout organized with power work at the beginning but today I dropped

In-Season Week 12, Day 1

Rest Day. Hopefully you were out over the weekend putting in miles and getting steps. It’s crucial to your progress that you prioritize recovery. I had a discussion with one of my individual athletes this

In-Season, Week 11, Day 7

Sundays on the BTK program are a test day. Test days aren’t meant to be compared to other tests, they are for you to test your limits. Pick something extremely hard, tell someone what you’re

In-Season, Week 11, Day 6

This is some no-excuses training, right here. Everyone has the ability to throw their pack on and walk around the neighbourhood for an hour. The benefits will pay off in spades when you’re consistent, so

In-Season, Week 11, Day 5

This is a workout I stole from my gym CrossFit Vernon this week. I hit 180lbs on the strict press at a tempo of 22X1, 215lbs on the barbell row, and used 30lbs additional load

In-Season, Week 11, Day 4

Restoration work is very important. Walking helps calm the nervous system, hydrate tissues, and promotes blood flow. If you’re taking your training seriously then you also need to take your recovery seriously and active recovery